EchoWater Program – Nitrifying Sidestream Treatment (NST)

Project Synopsis
CPM Partners was a subconsultant providing services to Flatiron on the Nitrifying Sidestream Treatment for the EchoWater Project. A critical element of the overall EchoWater Project, the nitrifying sidestream treatment facility will assist Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District (Regional San) in meeting new federal and state permit effluent limits, particularly for ammonia discharges.

By nitrifying ammonia, the tertiary treatment facility reduces high concentrations of ammonia generated through anaerobically digested biosolids. It also produces nitrate-rich effluent that can be used for odor control at various locations in the facility’s footprint. A flow diversion structure intercepts flow and divert it to the new treatment system and a fine screening facility removes debris.

An effluent pumping station delivers the nitrate-rich effluent to other points in the system for additional processing. To ensure adequate alkalinity for separate biological treatment processes, a lime storage and feed facility was also constructed. In addition, the new facility reduces the amount and variability of the ammonia load on a new biological nutrient removal system that is being constructed by another project contractor.

Major Project Elements include; Influent diversion structure and influent pumping station, fine screening facility, sequencing batch reactors and equalization basin, aeration blowers, NST Effluent Pumping Station, Electrical Building, Lime Feed Facility, EWS and Stormwater Pumping Stations.

Services Provided
CPM Partners provided scheduling services to Flatiron on the Nitrifying Sidestream Treatment Project for the EchoWater Program.
Services include a Lead Scheduler and Schedulers to prepare monthly schedule updates and monthly applications for payment, baseline schedule review, monthly schedule reviews, claims analysis, time impact analysis and delay analysis, as part of CPM scheduling.

Owner: Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District
Location: Sacramento, CA
Cost: $41M
Dates: Feb 2016 – Jan 2019